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How to Make Holiday Cards for Kids

Make a holiday card just for kids.
Make a holiday card just for kids.
christmas greeting card image by Attila Toro from

During the holidays, often a whole family receives one holiday card from another friend or family member. Rarely, however, do the kids in the family get their very own holiday cards. This holiday season, change your card-giving tradition and send individual cards to the kids you know. This holiday card project doubles as an ornament the recipient can assemble and hang on a tree or door. The greeting card has a front window that displays all the pieces needed to make a holiday tree. Even though the card looks complex, the craft skills required to assemble the holiday tree are minimal.


Things You'll Need:

  • Sheet of blue card stock, 8.5" x 11"
  • Craft knife
  • Ruler
  • Green, yellow, brown and red card stock
  • Scissors
  • Piece of dark string, 6"
  • Small, golden seed beads
  • Snack-size plastic zipper bag
  • Invisible tape
  • Envelope, 6" x 9"
  1. 1

    Fold the blue piece of card stock in half width-wise and open the card.

  2. 2

    Use a craft knife to cut a six-inch by three-inch rectangle out of the front of the card (the border should measure 1.25 inches).

  3. 3

    Cut out the shape of a pine tree from the green card stock. Cut the tree small enough to fit in the plastic bag.

  4. 4

    Cut out a small rectangle from the brown card stock. This is the tree's trunk.

  5. 5

    Cut out a star from the yellow card stock for the tree's topper.

  6. 6

    Cut out small bows from the red card stock, which will serve as tree decorations.

  7. 7

    Form a loop and tie a knot at the ends of the six-inch piece of dark string.

  8. 8

    Place all the holiday tree pieces from Steps 3 to 7, including the golden seed beads, inside the plastic zipper bag and seal. Use invisible tape to secure the plastic bag behind the window you cut from the card.

  9. 9

    Write a holiday greeting on the inside of the card and instructions letting the kids know how to put the holiday tree together. For example, the holiday greeting could read, "Happy holidays! Assemble all the pieces in the bag with a little glue to create your very own holiday tree."


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