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How to Do a Complete System Reinstall

As you use your operating system, you'll find over time your computer begins to experience a general slowdown. This slowdown is often associated with system clutter, the buildup of device drivers, unused file settings and background support programs. The longer you use the system, the slower it'll run, until you perform a complete system reinstall. A reinstall creates a fresh installation over the old, but that creation is at the cost of your present settings and documents. For a successful reinstall that preserves your documents and settings, you'll need to backup the information first, after which you can reinstall, creating a clean fresh system that utilizes the full capability of your system's hardware.

Difficulty: Moderate


Things You'll Need:

  • Windows 7 installation disc
  1. 1

    Backup your Windows file settings using Windows Easy Transfer. Open the Easy Transfer application by pressing "Start" and then typing "easy transfer" into the search window of the Start Menu. Select "Windows Easy Transfer" from the list of search results. Follow the transfer instructions to select the settings you wish to make a backup of, and choose a location on your hard drive to save the transfer to for retrieval.

  2. 2

    Place the Windows 7 installation disc into your optical drive and then restart your computer.

  3. 3

    Wait for the prompt to appear during startup to load from your optical drive. Press a key to do so and wait for the Windows Setup Manager to begin. Select a language to use during setup and location preferences. Click "Next" to continue.

  4. 4

    Read through the Windows licensing terms and click "I accept" to accept the terms and continue with the installation. Click "Next" to continue.

  5. 5

    Select the "Custom" installation option. Select the same partition or hard drive where your old Windows installation is located and then click "Next."

  6. 6

    Follow the onscreen instructions to reinstall Windows 7 over the old installation. Choose the same name for your computer as the old installation to prevent conflicts with network settings if your system is a member of a local area network.

  7. 7

    Start the Windows Easy Transfer program again and restore the settings from your transfer files. Choose the "Continue a transfer in progress" option, followed by selecting the "Removable media" transfer. Browse to the location of your saved transfer files and click "Next." Follow the program instructions to transfer the old settings to your new Windows 7 installation.


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